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  • Writer's pictureGeorge Rodriguez

We are still here

This is our first blog. I wanted it to be something more uplifting and interesting but unfortunately fate chose otherwise.

As the entire country falls under the grip of the COVID-19 virus and is adjusting to social distancing the Rodriguez Law Firm is still maintaining office hours and responding to phone calls. Our office hours will be between 9:00 am to 12:00 pm until the crisis is over. We are wiping everything down with a bleach solution and the office is large enough so that we can all maintain 6 feet apart from our clients and vendors and still be comfortable. The courts have continued (adjourned, postponed, rescheduled, whatever you want to call it) criminal

and civil matters until the end of April or beginning of May. Depositions are also being rescheduled into June. The Bankruptcy court has also rescheduled some hearings and all my hearings that are scheduled for next week will be done by telephone.

We stand committed to serving our clients and their cases come what may. Stay safe everybody

Part 2 June 16, 2020 update

I can't believe that I wrote the above over 2 1/2 months ago. I thought things would be getting better by now but obviously they are not.

As we continue to go through this COVID-19 crisis and social distancing we remain open for our clients. Even though the office may not be open we are answering the offices phone calls from home and are in the office for a short period of time. We are also embracing new technologies like Zoom and Microsoft Teams so that we can communicate with fellow lawyers and with the court system. If you have a problem you can call anytime or even leave a message on our webpage and we will get right back to you.


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